Human Cognitive Evolution
~ Investigating the origins of the human mind, from the Stone Age to the Information Age ~
We are an international collaborative program of researchers focused on the Big Question of how the human mind evolved. Because of support from the John Templeton Foundation provided to us for the grant, “What Drives Human Cognitive Evolution?”, our research team is at the forefront of discovery in this field. We are committed to broadening the public’s understanding of cognitive and human evolution in general and being the go-to source for the latest updates on progress in the field for researchers and students.

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Latest News
Research team members participate in language evolution workshop
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Human evolution and the recognition of expertise
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Schoenemann delivers keynote lecture at Evolutionary Linguistics conference
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Students learn archaeological field methods in "The Cradle of Humankind"
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How do apes communicate?
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Cognitive neuroscience of stone tool manufacturing
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